January 2023 Astrology Predictions and Upcoming Transits:
January, the start of the year and the start of a wild year (astrologically speaking). Now I know the past few years has been a hurdle with well everything, but rest assure 2023 is going to be well different! We started off the year with not one, but THREE planets stationed retrograde (Mars in Gemini, Mercury in Capricorn, and Uranus in Taurus) so a very weird way to start the year to say the least. I want to start my blog off by explaining a few concepts to everyone since I am utilizing this blog as a means to teach people astrology, not to assume that you already know astrology. I also would like to mention this is a general prediction, these transits will affect each individual in a different way so while reading this blog I ask for a few things from you: to keep an open mind, to understand there’s no such thing as “good” or “bad” in terms of astrology, and to look at your personal birth chart while reading this blog post to see where this may affect you on an individual level. I suggest pulling up your chart via Astro.com or whichever program you utilise and look to see what area of life these transits will be affecting. In later blog posts, I will discuss how each transit will affect each rising sign. If you do not know how to find your birth chart, I have a blog post titled “Astrology 101: How to Find Your Birth Chart” in Astrology 101 section under the blog area of my website. To understand the terminology, I will also be using, I also suggest reading my other post titled “Astrology 101: Terminology” so that way it’s easier for you to follow what I am saying. I would also like to give full credit to one of my TikTok mutuals Megan (Astroobsession) for the list of upcoming transits.
01/02: Venus Enters Aquarius
Right on the second day of the month and to kick off the year, we have Venus the planet of love transiting into the rebellious sign of Aquarius. As a lot of modern and pop astrologers like to say that Venus transiting into Aquarius from harsh Capricorn is like a weight being lifted off your shoulders, they rarely realise that Aquarius is also ruled by the same “harsh” planet as Capricorn: Saturn. While the two present themselves in different ways, the Saturnian rulership of Venus is still prominent even if it’s not in the traditional aspect. When Venus transits into Capricorn, it is asking us to go deep within to figure out how to love in a more realistic manner and how to find out what we truly value in terms of love and personal style. When Venus transits into Aquarius, it’s asking much of the same thing but puts a slight emphasis on how we can implement our newfound values. What is it that we like about our relationship with others and ourselves? What do we not like? And how can we take action to explore and implement these new values? Should we break up with the person we are with and explore being single? Should we stay and find a way to spice up our love life by adding new elements into it? These are all questions that a Venus in Aquarius transit should be invoking because of the Saturnian rulership of this sign. The rebellious portion of Uranus’ ruling can cause some sort of need for freedom and need for the newness of a relationship or self-image. If you are single during this time, figure out what exactly you need in order to feel that freedom and that newness. Maybe you need to go on dating apps, maybe you need to go to bars, or maybe you need to look within. All of these choices are for you to make, not for me or your friends or family to make.
With Venus also making a trine to the retrograding Mars in Gemini, this transit can come with some sexual frustration and the potential of an ex partner popping back up. Yep, you heard me, this is what I believe is bringing exes back NOT Mercury Retrograde. Mars, the planet of emphasis and power, being at such a harmonious aspect to Venus can spice up your private love life since both planets have to do with love and sex. However, with Mars still stationed retrograde, it can present itself as past partners and flings popping back up. Although forming a relationship within the retrograding period is seen as “bad” in the astrology community since it likely won’t necessarily last, it can be a good way to reassess your past relationships with said partner/fling to move forward. Retrogradations show us themes of our past in order to move forward into a new direction in certain areas of our lives. Venus is also forming a sextile to Jupiter in Aries, the planet of luck and wealth. During this time money and finances might flow easier and the themes of Venus with the trine to Mars might end up being easier to pick out and to understand.
01/06: Full Moon in Cancer at 16º
By the time this is posted, the full moon will either be happening or has already passed (I know I know I should’ve planned this earlier). Full moons in astrology represent the ending of a cycle and the closing of a chapter. This full moon will be happening in 16º of Cancer, in a Cancer degree, and where the moon is in its Domicile. Now Lana, what the heck does that mean and why should I care? For starters the moon is in its most comfortable position, which is great, but the downside is that this might be a bit of an emotional full moon so I would suggest getting more tissues and putting on some Phoebe Bridgers and let all of your emotions out. When the moon transits into Cancer in general, it evokes raw emotions since the moon represents our emotions and how we express them. With this full moon being in Cancer, it’s asking us to really dig deep into our emotional side and ask us to let go of a cycle. For some this could mean finally letting go of that ex, finally letting go of the job you hate, or finally letting go of the negative light you see yourself in. Astrology aside, you deserve the night or day to cry and time to really reflect on your emotions and how you TRULY feel not how you think others want you to feel. This full moon is also opposing the retrograding Mercury and coming from someone who is Mercury ruled, this Mercury Retrograde has been a lot worse than previous ones. As mentioned before, retrogradations have a tendency of bringing up past issues and with Mercury being in the mix here, it might be that old thought patterns are popping up at this time. The combination of this may be a time for you to reflect and think about your past actions, relationships, and feelings to assess how on earth you will move forward. Communicating with yourself and your emotions is so important during this time because it allows you to process what you’re feeling and how to take action with it. Do you need to tell your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend you’re still madly in love with them after years of not being together so you can either move on with your life or get it out of your head? Do you need to tell your boss how you’re struggling in the workplace? Do you need to reassess what your major is in school or your future career path? This is the perfect time to really dig deep into those questions and communicate with yourself since old patterns are likely to show up right around now. You don’t necessarily need to take action, but just that communicating with yourself during this time will help you tremendously in the long run. This will be the end of that cycle and taking even the smallest step may help you reach that level of understanding from within.
01/07: Mercury Retrograde Cazimi in Capricorn 16º
Ah the beautiful Mercury Retrograde Cazimi in Capricorn. I do realise that Mercury is still stationed Retrograde during this time and before all of y’all freak out, this is a beautiful transit since Cazimis are rare! When we see this type of Cazimi, it’s giving us wisdom and nourishing our brains with an ideal opportunity to communicate with ourselves even more especially after the Cancer Full Moon. During this day, I would really suggest figuring out what you learned during the full moon period. What did you realise that you hadn’t before? What is a way in which you can understand your feelings from the previous night a little better? Do you need to take action? Do you need to stand still? Let it all soak in and just be with your questions. I would also suggest journaling and getting all of your thoughts down in writing so it’s out of your head and you can implement new thought patterns and ways of doing things.
01/12: Mars Stations Direct in Gemini at 8º, Post Shadow Mars Retrograde Begins
Whewwww!!! This Mars retrograde was not it man, at least not for me because it’s been transiting my 12H for like 2 months (NOT FUN). Mars, the planet of drive and power is finally starting to appear to move forward. Yep, you heard me right, it’s starting to move forward meaning that everything is going to pick right back up (well kind of). If you are not already aware, every retrogradation period has four stages: pre shadow retrograde, retrograde, direct, and post shadow retrogradation. On this day we will be entering the third and fourth stages of Mars Retrograde. High five to those who didn’t get back with or impulsively sleep with their ex, who didn’t lose stamina, who didn’t go insane with how fast their brains were going, and those who were fine with things seemingly going wrong in their work life. You made it out better than most of us! Look at you go! Now it’s time to relax because in a couple of weeks, things are going to be going at the speed of light. When Mars stations direct, it’s a time for us to kind of take a chill pill and just breathe in and out. Even though Mars is all about moving and having that drive, it’ll take a bit for it to pick back up. Go to the pool, go have a drink with friends, go be social while you still have the time. More importantly though, reflect back on your actions you took during the 6-month long Mars retrograde. How did you react to conflict? Did you freak out or did you stay calm? Did you say some not so nice things to your partner or parents? Did you pick up a new hobby? Are you still doing that hobby? These are all great questions to ask yourself during these stages of the retrogradation period because sometimes some minor conflicts that happened during the peak retrogradation period might just pop up and you might have to take a step back and think before taking action. With this trine to Venus still being there, this also might be a great time to get out if you’re single because that sexual drive of yours will likely be there. This also might be a great time to prove to your boss that you deserve a raise and to work harder at work or it might be a time where you just naturally get that raise since Venus partly has to do with money. Overall just relax and take a bit of time to reflect on how you handled things these past 6 months, it might also be a great time to come up with a plan for future actions!
01/18: Mercury Stations Direct in Capricorn at 8º, Post Shadow Mercury Retrograde Begins
FINALLY! NO MORE MERCURY RETROGRADE! Well, kind of. Remember what I said up there in the Mars stationing direct area, yea we are in the two last stages of the retrogradation period. While this may seem like the dreaded Mercury retrograde is over, there still is some reflecting to do. Mercury the planet of communication is stopping for a brief second so that it can start moving forward into the next sign in the next couple of months. Communication with others may seem to start going in a better direction and there are no more miscommunications, be very weary during this time. Why you may ask? Because old miscommunications may still pop up! Just a reminder, the post shadow period is still part of the Retrogradation period. This is, in my professional opinion, a better time to reflect on what miscommunications you had with people in December until now. Did you misinterpret your significant other’s need for space as them not loving you? Did you say some not so nice things to your best friend because you misinterpreted their text? Did you get into a bad fight with your parents because they didn’t communicate properly with you? Is that phone of yours that you bought during the retrograded still not working? Was your trip to the Bahamas not what you were expecting? Did your lease have some bait and switches that you didn’t see when you signed the lease? If you answered any of these questions in your head while reading this blog, that is what usually happens during a Mercury Retrograde. Your ex usually won’t pop up during this time and if they do, well Good Luck Charlie I guess because the relationship may not last past after this point (not always though). Reflecting back on these issues may give you more insight on how to handle them in the future because it’s showing you past issues that might need some tweaking. Maybe you need to read the fine print more carefully before signing any contracts or maybe you need to re-read your texts before sending them to your significant others. I know all of this is kind of sounding a bit harsh, but I want you to know it’s not my intention to be harsh. My intention with saying all of this stuff is to get you to truly reflect because that is what Retrogrades are. It's a time to reflect. With this being in Capricorn as well, it’s also time to reflect how to move forward since that is what Capricorn is all about. Take that sea goat by its horns and charge through because once Mercury transits into Aquarius, you might need to figure out how exactly to move along!
01/19: Sun Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn at 28º
Ruh roh Shaggy! It’s time to really dig deep because this is never a fun transit to experience. Pluto is the planet of destruction and rebirth and when it’s in conjunction with the Sun it’s forcing you to really focus on what needs to be changed: your ego! The sun represents our ego and who we are at the core of our conscious. With Pluto being in the mix, it can make us really transform our egos and how we feel deep in our core. Some of us may have a spiritual awakening and forced to let our egos die so we can be reborn, others may experience this transit as feeding the ego (which isn’t bad by any means). This is going to bring us into a new pattern of thinking and a new way of being depending on what area of life this will be affecting. This transit can also cause us to really investigate what our ego is in its entirety and bring a new power of how to move forward. Rather than fearing this, embrace it. Let that transformation take place and maybe even journal about it.
01/20: Sun Enters Aquarius
This section is going to be short because to me this is not as eventful as other transits this month and the sun transits into a different sign twice a month. The sun entering into Aquarius is going to bring new ideas in certain areas of life and ask how on earth we can implement these new ideas. There may be a need for freedom and even rebellion during this transit so that you are able to implement new ideas and even think of better ideas for the future. Maybe you want to start a band or maybe you want to start volunteering at your local animal shelter and you should!
01/21: New Moon in Aquarius at 1º
Ah new moons, what a fabulous time. Like the above explanation, this is going to be a shorter one. When there is a new moon, it signifies a new cycle in areas of your life. As I mentioned in the Sun entering Aquarius section, this might be a great new time to come up with new innovative ideas and an even better time to implement said ideas. That band you want to start or the volunteer work you want to do, go and actually do it. Don’t be the person who sits there and says they’re going to do something, figure out a way to make that happen!
01/22: Venus Conjunct Saturn in Aquarius at 24º
I can already hear everyone quaking in their boots at the thought of a planet touching Saturn and I get it. It’s difficult sometimes. But I couldn’t tell you a better person to explain this than myself who is unfortunately Saturn dominant (well maybe a person with this aspect in their natal chart). Venus, the planet of love, being right next to Saturn is asking you to get serious. Remember what I said about Venus transiting into Aquarius? Yea. Get serious about how you view love and what you want to do moving forward. This is the time to actually plan that forward motion in your love and career life. If you’re in a situationship with someone or have a fling, don’t be surprised if this ends up turning really serious because this transit has a habit of making relationships more serious. Your job might also become more serious during this time because Venus does partly rule over money and finance, maybe you get that CEO promotion or maybe you end up actually moving towards that goal of becoming the person who cured cancer. The possibilities with this are endless, however, don’t expect this to be easy because it won’t be. Saturn rules over time and restriction and when Saturn is right on top of a planet and kissing it, it almost feels like time is your enemy. What you do need to remember though, as Ekhart Tolle put it in his book “The Power of Now,” is that time isn’t precious at all because it’s an illusion. Read that one more time and really read it, not just read the words. The reason I put that quote in this section is that during this transit, you may feel like time is what is precious but what’s really precious is the now and what you decide to do now. You have probably heard “if not now, when” and that is exactly what you should be asking yourself during this time. Even though Saturn does restrict, it also rewards you for putting in the work even if that’s finding a way to implement your ideas in regard to love. Once you actually do something now, Saturn will reward you for your hard work during that time.
01/22: Uranus Stations Direct in Taurus at 14º and Post Shadow Uranus Retrograde Begins
Uranus the planet of rebellion is finally on it’s out with Retrogrades! Wooo! I’m going to safely assume that you already get the gist of how the post shadow period works, so I won’t bore you with the questions of reflection and I hope you still reflect on certain themes of this retrograde. On a global level, we saw a few things happen with this retrograde mainly concerning the environment since Taurus does partly control the environment. Supply chains were down, global warming kicked us in the butt, electric vehicle fires we are now finding out are harder to put out than a normal car fire, you get the gist. So, what does this mean now? Well, if I am using my predictive astrology skills, I would say that it’s the end of all of that, but I would be lying to not only myself but to everyone else reading this post. Let’s be real here for a second, it’s not going to change overnight. We have already damaged the planet, but that doesn’t mean we can’t make strides towards helping it slightly. I feel as though people in general will start to lean towards making sure our planet doesn’t completely fall apart. Unfortunately, with Uranus transits, it’s a wild card which is why I am saying “I feel as though” rather than I know. I can’t promise that this will 100% happen, but what I can say is that we do really need to help out the environment a bit more in general. I am keeping this section at that because Uranus transits in general are hard to predict and I don’t want to mislead anybody into thinking something that may not happen.
01/26: Venus Enters Pisces
And we finally move into February with Venus transiting into its exalted sign of Pisces. If I’m going to be honest, this is a transit I am the most excited for because it means we all get to dig into our spiritual side when it comes to love. Luckily for us Pisces Jupiter natal individuals, this also means there may be an increased opportunity for money for us! As we all know, Venus is the planet of love and when it transits into a sign it’s super comfy in, it’s like being wrapped in a rose coloured blanket. Why rose coloured though? Well, firstly it’s just a pretty colour and secondly there is a bit of a bad side to this transit that I will discuss in a minute. During this time, you may feel like diving into a deeper part of your relationship not only with a partner, but with yourself. Pisces is ruled by Neptune and that can increase psychic awareness as well as the depths of our inner selves since the sign also ruled the 12H of the subconscious. There’s a need for closeness with our partners and friends, a need to understand why they are in your life or why they are not anymore. Unfortunately, with Neptune’s influence, there might be a tendency to overidealise your relationships with people especially toxic ones. When Neptune is mixed in there, it’s like putting on rose coloured glasses at times. We want to so badly see the best in everything, and that the world is full of rainbows and sunshine which can sometimes cloud our own judgement. If you have a gut feeling about something, please listen to it and don’t ignore it because you want to see the best in things or in people. Your gut will tell you more than what your brain or heart will tell you.